
It was just this morning when I have discerned the monotony I felt from the past days of April.  After how many days of stopover in the tip of my tongue, it can now parade itself among the sound waves, vibrations or whatever sonic nakedness my voice box concocted. It’s about the oddest sense I felt as I saw the beauty of the sun preparing to dismount in the east.

 I just noticed that the mornings had started coming adrift. I swear I felt I was a paper-boat that, with unexplainable reason, when has gained its consciousness; was already sailing in the vastness of the Pacific Ocean. Purposeless. This small paper-boat knows the dangers of sailing in a mere sink full of water, how come it has lost its way up to this immense ocean ― carrying immense possibilities?. In any time, this little boat could sink. A single drift could shred it into tinier pieces until it’s gone. It could win over the current up to the nearest island (OH MEN, CAN YOU SHARE ME YOUR LUCK??!!) But still, death is certain.                                                             

I knew the season could have caused this. Most probably, the heat has infiltrated into my tiny shell last night and now it’s taking its toll. Last month, I was a boy holding a notebook transcribed with so many plans about/of/for LIFE. It seems I have suffered from a selective amnesia, and there’s only one thing I've forgotten. Aspiration.

Call it weird: this feeling, paranoia or insanity strike, but that’s what I've experienced. I've just arrived in my plans for the coming months, and I hope I will be firm to stand with those.

I still believe in this cliche, life is a journey.  I know journeys are not supposed to be a plain walk in a straight path, nor a comforting stroll in a beautiful park. Journeys are journeys. The roads would be weary, the travel would be dreary. Sometimes, you need to stop just to take a deep breath. You might have formed your plans before the journey starts, but as I said, possibilities are countless. You may lose your map. You may lose your track. So, do not hesitate to veer if you need to. Veer.

You could encounter a caravan of anacondas along the way. Do not EVER dare rush just to prove that YOU are Valiant, YOU are Brave or YOU are Courageous. You would hate yourself more than you could imagine. So if you could wait, just wait. Let them cross. After all, delayed gratifications taste better than instant noodles ( I swear).


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