We only waste our time

by being addicted to what's new.

Entertainment. We easily get tired of content because we don't recognize it's true worth. We don't inspect it's edges and bite it like a gold just to confirm if it's authentic. Instead, we throw it if it looks awful, if it isn't promising or entertaining we get rid of it. But we don't need to entertain ourselves all the time, do we?

Needs.It seems one of the tyrannies of shifting from the agricultural to industrial then this post-industrial society is that by wanting to generate more time, we ended up generating more wastes. The only reason why we wanted to generate more time was to have more food for the tribe. And right now, there's a surplus of food that the 'tribe' won't want to eat. There are tons of foods that go straight to the trash because they want to taste something that isn't boring.

Play. The hunters invented weapons so that the hunt will be easier and they'll have more time to play. Or maybe the hunt itself is play. Working was playing then. You only play with someone who's fun to be with. Then, you only work with someone you can trust your life with. Now, we generated more time by automation but failed to have more time to play. More so, we have failed to incorporate play into work. Our workplace stopped being a playground because there's a lack of trust in each one.

Our society don't even have the time to notice what's present how much more to dig in the past. New stories only click for a while. It rings instantly then fades suddenly, because apparently everything gets old. Awful, isn't it?


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