Running Journal

Sunrise on March 30,  UPLB 
I've been consistently running these past two months. Surprisingly, I've been more consistent here than any other activities (reading, for that matter). This makes me want to write a running journal. I'd like to write everything I've seen in the road, all the interesting stories that's there and compile.

The good thing about today is we don't have to worry about the running log. Just bring a phone, and it will record all the information you need. Personally, I use Mi Fit app which calculates the calories burned, pace, and the running time. It also keep track of the route so I know the places I've run. It's quite effective to have since it would include some statistics where you can know your personal improvements.

Unlike what other people think of, running as a routine is not that boring. There are small surprises that the road can tell. There are drenched runners talking to themselves too much. There are couples walking and talking about how the day went, families who spend their time together worthy of a shot.

When I have the will to run in the morning, I'd witness how the sun will rise this, I think, is one of the reasons why I can run every morning. It's a privilege to watch the sunrise. Only a few people will get have the luxury to pause for a moment and be in awe of the beauty of this star. Watching the he sun in it's most tamed state can make you think of the majesty of a Creator.


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