Café Musings

Photo Source: Cafelandia UPLB Vega Arcade

I was sitting at a café when I suddenly felt different. The past months have really been hard, and I feel like I'm starting all over again at the age of twenty-seven. There's no need to detail out what's happening in my life lately, if you're adulting you already know what it's like: routinary. 

Staring blankly at my work-in file, I just don't know how to proceed. You try to do the creative exercises you've done before, flipping words, tilting them sideways or just doing them in reverse, but still, no ideas ever tend to crawl out.

I have mentioned that writing is a great way to deal with life because in so many ways, the process of punching in the keys is like life in itself. You try to come up with thousand bad ideas to come up with a few good ones. Life is exactly that; only the difficulty is magnified a hundred folds. It might take you hours to come up with crappy ideas, and you can easily delete what you want to delete. Life, however, takes a lot of patience, one crappy idea can mess up your entire life,  and it may take years of undoing the consequences. 

BUT the great thing is that if you'll have the patience to take it one day at a time, you'd be wherever you want to be. The situation may not always change according to your way, but your heart eventually will. 

So, go home now. Get some rest and trust God.

Everything will be fine. In God's time. In God's perfect time.


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