Thoughts on Loneliness

There are persistent thoughts that visit upon waking; that bathroom voice that says you're not enough. It lasts for a day. Or more. That's why it is dangerous. This kind of thoughts could lead someone to eat a two-person meal at 7 o'clock and drink down litres of coffee until midnight. 
Don't believe them when they say that you don't need to be sad because someone else feels the same (or worse). Because, really, does it make sense when someone tells you that you can't be happy because someone else may have it better? 

You feel that way, but it doesn't mean you're the only person who can't figure that out.
One of the best pieces of wisdom I've heard regarding the matter is from 1 Peter 5:7. It states, "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you."
For me, that would mean melancholia is separable from one's identity. It can be casted on Him who has carried the great burden. It might not be as easy as casting one's belonging to something else, but it is possible. 
In the end, emotions might stick, but it doesn't stay. Like people, they come and do go.


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