Sometimes loneliness is a need

All these scheduled hangouts and I still chose to go home and sleep to a Norah Jones' song.

They must have been playing when something good was happening in my life. Or it must be out of habit that I listen to her songs. Everyone has these little habits they keep to themselves. It's one way to enjoy our own company. To know you more than how other people know you is one thing to really do.

So you know when you drink a lot of coffee--- you know that there's something going on that other's might not understand. When people tell you the same stories, you tend to excuse yourself, because you want to listen to something more 'human' or 'humanizing' if there exists such a word. You tap your chest three times to feel the power of your heart. You feel the beat of your heart when things are hard, and things will seem to be fine.

You don't need to tell everything to other people, you can keep things to yourself, and enjoy being with yourself. Socializing is 'humanizing' but we're all destined to be alone, too. Sometimes, we need to be lonely, too.

Or maybe I don't need to sleep to a song. I just need to feel that lonely this night will be.


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