
Maybe we should visit public hospitals more often. Even if we don't have any appointment with the doctor.

We'd be there to observe how many people are lining up just to have a check up. Take notice of their age, their physique, and the appearance of their faces. Listen about their complains in life.

Know their pain. Empathize with their feelings. Offer help, if necessary.

Knowing the sufferings of other people would allow us to contemplate of our own. It is not that we want to be in a schadenfreude. No, we must not be happy at the sight of other people suffering; we need to be grateful of what we are today. 

Oftentimes, we don't recognize that God has given us everything we need. That's why we are very hard on ourselves. The fact that we are here today means we have been okay most of the time for the past years.


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