The Other Side of Efficiency

We hate it when it is slow; internet, jeepneys and even people who speak too slow. Productive people as we are, we hate it when we "waste" time; when everyone else around us cannot go with our pace. 

So, we choose the exact opposite.

We go fast. We  estimate what time it takes us to walk, commute or prepare for the day. We delay the work time to maximize the play time. We beat the deadline. 

The idea behind hating "slow" can be rooted from loving efficiency. We want to quantify things to know how the smallest input can produce the highest output. However, there are things that cannot be quantified. For instance, when it comes to our relationship, we do not limit the amount of time, gifts, and stories we share with our loved ones. We do not count how much we give or take, to say that the relationship is "fair", for that matter.

The truth is when it comes to relationship and other similar things, efficiency does not  apply. Do we know how long it takes to make one person a friend? An enemy? A family? How much time should we spend to find a lover? Some might know and believe that it only takes 4 minutes to fall in love. However,  the information is trivial, and it does not tell help us that much.

Holding efficiency paramount is also the friend of stress. When we are too occupied of how we "should" get things done, or we "should" be more productive, we often forget about ourselves. We sacrifice our health. We think we do not deserve sleep.

We might have so many reasons why we love efficiency. Only, remember that there is more to productivity than the speed (or the lack thereof).


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